

Welcome to the Advocacy page of Empower the Minds. We talk about pressing issues, current events, and topics that we believe should be given a greater voice. We currently have conversations about POC, the LGBTQIA+ community, and mental health. Our number of topics will grow, and so will our conversations!

How do we advocate?

What is our purpose? Our purpose is to empower minds, and one way to do that is through our “Advocacy Project” where our objective is overall to reach our goal of having an educated and socially aware community where modern issues have a place to be discussed.

What is our goal? Our goal is to educate others around us. Advocating for certain issues and topics allows a spread of important information. An educated and informed community working towards solutions is something to strive for.

How do we plan to reach our goal? A large part in seeing a change in our surroundings is first addressing it, and we here at ETM do that through our meetings and thoughtful discussions. Facilitating these gatherings allows an exchange of information as well as socially aware participants. All of these things are steps to having an educated community.

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